January 2016 Newsletter

​​​Holiday Fundraiser:
Dollars for Scholars a Huge Success!

Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful supporters over
$5,700 was donated during the holidays. These funds go directly to supporting the more than 150 students who attend Star of Hope – from pre-school to 6th grade – by providing for their teachers, materials, uniforms, classrooms, and meals. Thank YOU!


Biking Across Continents & Oceans:
2 Yuba cargo bikes arrive at Star of Hope!

The journey of these 2 bikes started with the donation of one Yuba Mundo Cargo bike to our July 2015 Dance For the Stars, but quickly grew to the purchase and shipping of TWO bikes! Thanks go to the combined creativity and generosity of Steve Bode, Katie Graham, Tod Jones, Inderjeet Ramgotra and Jim Rivard!! After 5 months, the bikes arrived in Bungoma and are now fully assembled and at Star of Hope! The Yuba Mundo can carry one adult and at least two kids or cargo. These bikes will make the running of errands to the closest town (1 hr. walking) so much easier!

For photos and more of the story, visit our Facebook page



New Year's Eve:
Ringing in the New Year with the Stars (of Hope)!

Our first New Year’s Eve event benefitting Star of Hope was a ringing success! 45 guests enjoyed Spanish tapas and desserts (prepared by the amazing Amanda Franklin) and danced to the music of the Spangalangs (Sue Spang on upright bass, Lucien LaMotte on guitar and Byron Ellis on drums). And,
 $2,500 was cleared for the kids. Having fun and doing good. Doesn't get better than that! See photos in our Facebook album.


New Year's Message from Leonard:
2015 was a VERY good year!

To our beloved friends and partners,
May I take this opportunity on behalf of my family and the kids at Star of Hope to wish you a happy and prosperous 2016!
Thanks to you, 2015 was such a tremendous  year of achievement! 
It’s my belief and conviction that 2016 provides yet another opportunity to grow Star of Hope, both in its infrastructure and regarding the development of the kids through education and love.
Thank you again for being always there for us and ensuring we are provided for.
With the warmest of regards,
Leonard, Gladwell and the Star of Hope kids and staff.


2015 Accomplishments
With your help, we...

  • Installed a pump for the well 
  • Built a third block of classrooms
  • Hired a 5th grade teacher
  • Purchased or built new desks, tables, benches and lockers
  • Completed a drainage project for our existing buildings


Projects for 2016
This year, we are working on:

  • Hiring a 6th grade teacher
  • Installing a Security/Perimeter Fence
  • Upgrading “Esther’s House” to a useable workroom
  • Exploring solar vs diesel power
  • Researching the viability of a greenhouse for crops
  • Exploring travel opportunities to visit Star of Hope
  • Continuing to provide an excellent education in a loving environment


Dancing for the Stars 2016:
Save the Date: July 9th

More details in the Spring. In the meantime, it's never too early to mark your calendars for our 7th Annual Dancing for the Stars. Once again, the house will be rocking from top to bottom and no one goes away thirsty or hungry. Invite your friends now!

Thank you for your caring support.
Because of you, the kids are thriving.